iCompute is a CenturyLink customer. CenturyLink is doing some upgrades of their internet customers’ equipment on the 25th of May. The latest information I have is that this will result in down time of up to two hours at some time on the 25th. It is likely that the work will be done in the morning, but I have no way to be certain.
Our downtime will be minimal, but please expect some interruption in our services on the 25th of May.
During this down-time, you should expect that your web pages will be off-line. Shell access to the servers will be unavailable and email will be inaccessible. I do not expect any incoming email to be lost, only delayed. For those of you who subscribe to our DNS, the backup servers will remain accessible. No machines in our racks will be accessible during any down-time.
More up-to-date information will be posted here as it develops.
We are sorry for the upcoming interruption.